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Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Wicked Cool Interactive Digital Brochures

As most of you know who follow my blog, I’m big on researching and keeping up-to-date with the latest trends in web design, online marketing, SEO and more. The other day while doing my weekly research, I came across a company who had just built what they called an “interactive digital brochure” for a company called Landau Gage which supplies gages and data collection systems. When I first read the title of their post, I thought to myself, “Hmm a gage company with an interactive brochure? Seems a bit odd.” So I clicked the post and was quickly blown away by what I saw.

The image above doesn’t quite do it justice. To really understand how cool this digital brochure is, you have to click the image and run though it yourself.

Basically what it is, is a brochure for gages. Which at first seems completely boring and uninteresting, but once you start clicking through it, you start to actually get interested in what you’re seeing. Why? It’s simple, because of the interactivity. Each page of the brochure has some level of click interactivity, meaning the user has to click something in order to view more information. The cool aspect comes in on where and what appears once you click. It’s not just a simple link to another page on the website, it’s an animated jQuery effect which pops a new window right on top of what you’re reading.

To understand what I’m talking about check out the products page featuring all their gages. Click one of the products like Variable Data Gaging, see what happened? Now click one of the gages from that list like Electronic Gages. POOF! Even more information thanks to a cool animation.

The entire brochure functions exactly like that with each page having the ability to show a new animation.

So how could this possibly be done, it has to be flash right? WRONG! The entire digital brochure is code using HTML, CSS and jQuery. That means the brochure can work across multiple browsers including Internet Explorer and Firefox as well as multiple devices such as the iPad and Android smart phones.

This is a great idea and a fantastic way to entice users to click and read more about products. I would imagine most brochure, print or otherwise, in the manufacturing business are fairly boring, and not something most people would be interested in. A cool interactive digital brochure like this though, that’s something anyone would want to click through.


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