The other day I was checking out which sites came up in the top ten results in Google when I typed in certain "Windsor" terms such as; "Windsor Ontario" and "Windsor Canada". I was just curious which sites were performing well when someone searched for this great city of ours. Turns out one of the top results for most Windsor searches ended up being the city's homepage After browsing around the site a bit I started to ask myself whether or not is should be updated with a fresh web design. Take a look at the homepage below.
At first glance the website design isn't all that terrible. I've seen far worse websites from other cities in Ontario, yet I still feel this site could be much better.
I would guess there are 3 different types of people searching for the city of Windsor; tourists, residents and potential residents. I think the homepage of the site should make 3 separate areas for these 3 different type sof traffic. I find that most of this site is geared only towards 1 type of traffic; residents.
I also think since this site is one of the top results for Windsor it should also put our great city on display. Add some type of content slider showing off everything we have to offer. Tourists attractions, parks, events etc. would all look amazing on a website about the city.
Again, the site overall isn't terrible, I just think it could be better. What does everyone think? Should be re-designed?
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