With most of the major browsers coming out with new versions these past couple of weeks, I figured I'd write a quick post about the most frustrating browser for web designers like myself to code in. Drum roll please..... Internet Explorer 6! No big surprise there. I'm guessing if you polled 100 web designers on which browser they hate coding for the most, it'd be IE6.
IE6 is almost 10 years old now and it's still being used by 12% of all Internet Explorer users. You'd think now that IE7, 8 and 9 have been released most of those people would update, but that's just not the case. From the way it doesn't render transparent PNG's as transparent or the way it handles the general layout of CSS and DIV based designs IE6 is just awful.
Even Microsoft themselves are trying to get people off of IE6 starting this website about a month ago; http://ie6countdown.com/. If you're using IE6, please update to a newer version or better yet, jump over to Firefox or Chrome. They're better browsers anyway!
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